Optional VIP Day March 14th, 2024

Retreat March 15th - 18th 2024

Choose your dream accommodation and your pricing plan based on the descriptions below:

Private Goddess Room: King Bed with private bathroom

Cost: $2666.66

This is an option for the Goddess who will restore and integrate best in a private environment. Create your own secluded healing oasis in a king bed with a private bathroom.

Shared Goddess Room: Private bed in shared accommodation and bathroom.  


Single: $1333.33

Double: $1666.66

Queen: $1888.88

Slumber in one of two shared rooms where you’ll share a bathroom with other Goddesses. Share space with sister Goddesses in one of the deluxe suites at a reduced rate, depending on your selection of bed.

Payment, Cancellation & Refunds 

Your deposit is non-refundable and reserves your spot at the retreat. Final payment will be due by 2/14/24. No refunds will be offered due to the intimate nature of this retreat. Should the unimaginable occur, Laura & Sarah will provide a comparable service in exchange for your investment.

A Goddess retreats so as to plant the seeds of intention and water them with her creative power. She leaves behind her limiting beliefs and her daily responsibilities and cultivates a more profound relationship with herself, mother nature, and the Goddess. She packs her wisdom, her radiance, her willingness to stretch and her most resounding roar.

She demands space for her presence among Goddesses so she may return home restored, as one with her highest self, attuned to nature's cycles, and more deeply aligned with her personal vision for greatness overall. And behold! The vacation that you don't need a vacation from!

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Exploring Coaching & Energy Work

At the retreat you will participate in a variety of women's circle and workshop activities. The focus will powerfully combine coaching, energy work, healing, goddess teachings, yoga and meditation. 

Coaching is distinct from therapy and other support modalities. In coaching, we acknowledge the past for having gotten you to where you are today, but unlike many forms of therapy, we don’t spend time looking back to analyze the past.

In addition, energy healing focuses on stripping away all that our society has conditioned us to

believe. There is an emphasis on Mind, Body, Spirit connection without labeling experiences as

good or bad. The work is designed to remove dis-ease or a lack of harmony within all parts of your being. This style of healing and coaching focuses on empowering you to generate the outcomes you desire.

On a concrete level, coaches undergo different training than psychologists or social workers who work as therapists. If you have health or wellness concerns, please contact a healthcare provider.

Coaching is also distinct from consulting or training. Whereas consultants tend to deliver advice or build programs that rely on and focus on their expertise in a particular subject matter, a coach will hold you as the subject matter expert and as a client who is competent, resourceful, creative and reliable to produce the results you want with support and accountability.

Laura trained with Accomplishment Coaching, which offers an extensive training program that is accredited by the International Coaching Federation. She will hold the professional credential of PCC, or Professional Certified Coach

Follow these links for more:

Accomplishment Coaching:

International Coaching Federation:

About Laura:

Sarah comes from an executive management background where she has trained with several fortune 500 companies on coaching, training and development. Her energy training is extensive and ongoing. You can read more about her training here: 1

Optimizing Time & Wellness

By design, wellness retreats are designed to inspire balance of mind-body-spirit. We humbly request that you come with an open heart and open mind, and surrender to this beautiful immersive experience. 

This is a powerful time of connection. Leading up to the retreat do what you can to prepare your physical, mental and emotional environments to inspire ease, health, trust and room to grow. 

In the Facebook group, you will receive occasional words of wisdom and inspiration to support this process, but we invite you to take ownership of this process for yourself too to get the most out of our time together.

Payment, Cancellation & Refunds
I understand that no refund will be offered due to the intimate nature of this retreat. Should the unimaginable occur, I understand that Laura & Sarah will provide a comparable service in exchange for my investment.

I understand that travel expenses and dinner on Friday evening are my responsibility.

About Energy Healing

I understand that the Energy Sessions I receive are not a replacement for other appropriate holistic or traditional allopathic medical care, or emotional and psychological therapies. I understand that Energy Healing practitioners do not diagnose, nor do they treat illnesses or psychological disorders, and neither do they heal people or their illnesses or psychological disorders. The practitioner facilitates a simple process whereby nature’s energy is provided for the client, the innate intelligence of the receiver directs how and where that energy may be used. The facilitator may also guide the client through experiential exercises designed to help the client access her or his inner wisdom and guidance. My Shamanic energy healing sessions can offer an ideal complement to traditional or holistic care I am receiving. I am encouraged to seek out a healthcare professional for any physical or psychological ailments I have.

I understand that the energy sessions I receive provide an overall sense of wellbeing and support natural healing on all levels. All sessions are done fully clothed.

If for any reason I am uncomfortable within a session, I will take personal responsibility to let my practitioner know.

The following outline specific benefits I may experience in my Shamanic Energy Healing sessions:

DEEP RELAXATION AND STRESS REDUCTION: Induces deep relaxation, which strengthens the immune system’s ability to respond to daily stressors.

RELEASE OF PAIN AND DISCOMFORT: Chronic discomfort and pain can be eased as the body’s natural healing mechanisms are supported.

RELEASE OF BLOCKED MEMORIES: Energy and bodywork can release memories and trauma from the tissues of the body where they are stored.

INTEGRATION OF EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Deep relaxation induces a calm and reflective state within which emotional issues can be integrated on one’s own, or with the help of a professional therapist.

EXPANDED SPIRITUAL AWARENESS: An experience of ‘expanded awareness’ and the goodness and interconnectedness of all life can be experienced, inducing a profound state of wellbeing.


Energy Healing Release

By signing the below I agree to the following:

You represent and warrant to Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC., its agents and employees that you have full legal authority to complete this online or in person registration form or request. In consideration of the services of Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC, their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, employee and other other such person I hereby release, indemnify and discharge Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC on behalf of myself, spouse, children, heirs, assigns and estate the following: I acknowledge that participation in activities such as yoga, reiki, make up applications and other physical offering carries with it a risk of physical injury. I am responsible to judge my own capabilities with respect to my practicing here. All forms of yoga contain great risk, advanced level yoga practice may have even greater and unanticipated risks that could result in physical injury, paralysis, death, or other damage to myself, to property or to a third party. I understand that risk in all private sessions cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activities. The risks include, among other things slips, falls, falling from equipment, sprains, lacerations, fractures and more severe life threatening hazards including injuries to head, neck and back, internal organs, the negligence of other people and participant or other person present, and my own physical condition. All practitioners have difficult jobs and they seek safety always but people are not infallible. They may be unaware of participant’s fitness or abilities. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks in this activity. If injuries occurred for myself or child, I may require medical assistance at my own expense and I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage. I will assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have. My participation is purely voluntary and I elect to participate in spite of the risks.

I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge and agree that Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC, its agents and employees shall not be liable to me or my child for any injury or damage, howsoever caused, resulting directly or indirectly from my or my child's participation in Beauty by Sarah Brianna’s programming on or off site (including, but not limited to, workshops, seminars, kids yoga, classes, group and private instruction on or off site) at any time preceding, during or after my or my child's participation. I hereby release, forever discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Beauty by Sarah Brianna, its agents and employees from all actions, claims, and demands I or my child may have for any causes of action which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use of equipment or facility including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omission of Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC.

The Goddess Retreat photo release form

I authorize that Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC, Laura Kline-Taylor Coaching LLC, and its licensees have the right to use all photographs or videos taken of me while participating in The Goddess Retreat, programming for commercial use, advertising and/or promotional material. ​By signing I acknowledge that I have had sufficient opportunity to read the entire document, it is understood, agreed and I shall be bound by its terms.

I hereby grant permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.

I understand and agree that all photos will become the property of Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC and Laura Kline-Taylor Coaching LLC and will not be returned.

I hereby irrevocably authorize Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC and Laura Kline-Taylor Coaching LLC to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the photo.

I hereby hold harmless, release, and forever discharge the Beauty by Sarah Brianna LLC and Laura Kline-Taylor Coaching LLC from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this authorization.

I understand that
for deposit payments I'll be charged $400 today to reserve my space. Invoices for the remaining balance will be sent out by June 21st, 2023 and will need to be paid in full one month out from the retreat by June 28th, 2023. Once a deposit is made I will be responsible for the full payment by June 28th, should I be unable to pay by the due date a late fee of $100 a day will be added until payment is made. My purchase is non-refundable and reserves my spot at the retreat. No refund will be offered due to the intimate nature of this retreat. Should the unimaginable occur, Laura & Sarah will provide a comparable service in exchange for my investment.


This contract may be signed electronically or in hard copy. If signed in hard copy, it must be returned to the Business for valid record. Electronic signatures count as original for all purposes.

By accepting the terms and conditions both parties agree to the terms and provisions of this agreement.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    The Solo Goddess Private King Bedroom with Bathroom (SOLD OUT)$2666.66
  • Preferred option
    The Goddess Queen Bed in a Shared Space $1888.88
  • Preferred option
    The Goddess Double Bed in a Shared Space $1666.66
  • Preferred option
    The Goddess Single Bed in a Shared Space (SOLD OUT)$1333.33

Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time VIP Day, only $333.33!
Come join Sarah and Laura a day early at Kripalu Retreat Center and enjoy 3 ayurvedic meals, yoga classes, hiking, healing arts and more! After we spend the day down regulating at Kripalu we will all head to The Goddess Retreat space for a nourishing night's sleep and rest.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


The Goddess Retreat March 2024$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Goddess Retreat March 2024$0

All prices in USD
